Thursday, August 25, 2011

Conflicting desires

      I wanted to be self-sufficient, well-off, independent, healthy, happy and whole. I also wanted someone to save me, to demonstrate love by coming to my rescue. But how could I be rescued without being in despair, in need?  I have known for quite some time that I am capable, yet I sat in constructed drama so that my knight would know me, so that he would recognize ‘the damsel in distress’ and be moved to become my savior. I’m not the only one right? Isn’t this is why we costume ourselves in vulnerability? Short hair would be easier, but men don’t like that. I’ve got to walk to and fro and I knew that when I put these stilts/ heels on. It is hot as Hades but I’m in full regalia (makeup, jewelry, etc.)…Look at me. I am ripe. Look at me I am falling from the tree….Come on! Man! Catch me.
     I think I am at last willing to let one of these wishes go. Check in occasionally and I’ll let you know how things are progressing.


  1. Girl I been having this same conversation with friends,co-workers,myself for quite some time now. I work hard to be self sufficient but the more I accomplish, and nothing major by a long shot, the further it takes me away from "damsel in distress". I wouldn't change any of it but I hope the knight realizes that I'm only working so hard because I have to and would love to take off some of this armor. :)

  2. You are the ONE you have been waiting for.
