Monday, August 22, 2011

Always Connected

      I told my best friend of 16 years that I need some space. We live 8 hours apart but the internet and cell phones make it impossible to naturally grow in different directions (even temporarily) without proclamation and explanation.
     We talked on the phone every day for hours. We sometimes talked and instant messaged at the same time.  I ran every thought by her. Soon, she (and some other Facebook friends) just took up residence in my head. I found myself considering the imagined input of others as I shaped my own thoughts. And I began to pimp myself, needing every status update/conversation to be profound, funny, informative, or biting.
      I did not see the detrimental effect of constant communication until I almost failed my computer literacy class. I found the class challenging so I had to restructure my priorities and how I spent my days. I plugged up the many social cavities from which my energy was pouring. I sent my best friend a text attributing  my sudden silence to the demands of that particular class. I felt a difference in my peace of mind. I became more physically active. I finally started this blog (which requires that I finish my thoughts and sort out my own convictions) I’m socializing with family and friends face to face, I go to sleep smiling, and I managed to pass the class! So when the class ended I did not resume our usual interaction. Instead I continued to taper down on Facebook and left my cell phone off.
    Tonight I received a brief ‘goodbye’ message that ended with 'take care of yourself!'

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